ok If I can think of a different title I will change it. It is just that I did the most amazing thing this morning.

I got in a war with Dh this morning ( call them wars but really I thing they are just nerves) and I was really angry he said some stupid things he shouldn't I said things I shouldn't have. Anyway when I got to the Gym I was NOT in a good mood.

This was to be my first board breaking and I was not sure that I could even break it let alone not leave with a body full of bruises. He had us do it with a target and then we could do it with a board. Lets add to that that I have a VERY new board and had never used or broke it before.
we all lined up to do the breaks and I asked the black belts to take my board I figured if somebody was going to break it it would be them and not me. I was so right I got up with someone elses board, told them my name, my age(yikes), the techniques I was doing, and asked to set up my board for the first break. I swear I set up and just did it. broke a hammer fist on a blue board(represents thickness) the first time. Set up and broke a #2 front kick the first time. I tell nothing puts you in a better mood then breaking something you don't think you can.

Round and round the

shumway house the virus chased the family. It first caught 2 and then 2 more. Up goes the temps.

Yup 2 more have now got the nasties. I am seriously praying and praying and praying that I don't get this.

For those of you wondering what is going on. Sunday Sean and Randy stayed home from church with the baby. She was teething and Sean just didn't feel right his body hurt. Monday same thing just hurt all over. That evening a small fever showed up and then a big fever showed up the next morning 103.6 so I called and took him in. She gave him a full work over including swabbing his nose for the flu and throat for strep. All came back negative. In the mean time Randy with what seemed to be a bad cold headed for Santa Fe and was there for the day. Came home in a nasty snow storm and got home at 1 or 2 in the morning. The next 2 days they both stayed in bed while I waited on them hand and foot. EVEN ON MY BIRTHDAY.

Today Randy headed to work I got a hair cut and my son stayed on the couch till about 2 when Randy came home and got him and headed to the Dr's office.

They now both have prescriptions for codeine cough syrup and amoxicillin. so I am now wondering how long I wait till take the next 2 in and get them the same thing.