SO this is my ........Hmmm what do we call it.

Let just start from the beginning. I thought this morning that I should write out the reason I do what I do. Why I exercise why I eat the way I do and so forth.

In 2007 I started TKD and I actually jumped rank in 3 weeks. It would have been late june that I started. I started because part of me knew my family history and I knew I didn't want that. I also knew that my kids loved what they were doing and had some great friends. SO... I set out. In August (now a yellow belt) I threw out my knee.

I don't think I will ever ever forget that day as long as I live. I had a gal at TKD (she is/was a nurse) Look at it and she said you need to go to the hospital. SO as my husband got a wheelchair for me I had the impression that I needed to cal my mom, SO I did. It was AUgust 3 2007, I told her I had been hurt and to PLEASE Pray that It wasn't too bad. We got done there at 1 in the morning and I figured it was too late at that point to call her and tell her it would OK I didn't want to wake her. The call at 7 the next morning I figured would be her yelling at me that she had stayed up waiting for me to call, Just like she always did. It wasn't her. It was my dad, he was calling to tell me that mom had passed away in her sleep and that my brothers wives were all on their way and it would be OK. When I told him I had just talked to her at 10 or 11 the night before he told me I was more than likely the last one to speak to her.

The weeks to come were a whirlwind with me in a leg brace and a funeral and everything that entailed. I remember wondering why she had gone and why now. so when the autopsy came back that it was obesity related, needless to say I was hurt. I KNEW I didn't want to die that way. I made the commitment to stay in TKD till I was a least a black belt. I set out to do that. In may of 2008, I had a miscarriage that sent me into a tail spin. This is when things that I had set in motion that I don't remember having done,came into play and GOD put his hand in it.

He sent the people who could help me and pull me out. I won a contest, of all things it was a fitness contest and the prize was a 12 week boot camp of sorts, I learned How to exercise by confusing my muscles so that they continually had to change and work and burn. I learned how to eat what was best for me and when to eat them so that my body could burn what it needed and I consumed only what I needed. I also learned at that time that exercise is my drug of choice. It has helped me in so many ways I don't take anything for depression (it plagues me all the time.) if I feel a "mood" I go to the gym or to TKD. Has it been easy NO, have I hit bumps, yup some pretty big ones too.

Last year I had a gallbladder removal and supsequent pregnancy, that kept me out of exercise for most of the year, but guess what, the desire and need were still there. I KNEW that exercise was the only way to get back what I had lost. My now 9 Month Old dd is seeing a healthy mommy who likes finding new muscles and love to sit on my legs or stomach as I do my ab nukes. I have people tell me that there is no way I have 8 kids (talk about the smile on my face) and I love the way I feel, and the fact that I don't NEED external medicine to make me feel good. I still have a ways to go, but I am 20 pounds from my first goal 30 from my OK goal and 40 from the ultimate goal. I can and will do this... I KNOW that now.

The people I want to thank for the help I have had on my journey, First off these guys.... Mr Tuck and crew have been more than helpful in my success so far. If you are ever In Colorado Spring you NEED to come check out one of his classes, but be warned you could get hooked. Next were the people that made to contest possible. I know a country station weird huh. there there are the people here I can't thank them enough for helping me . I don't even think they really know what they did for me, or what a hard time that was in my life, but they changed it for the better. Lastly but most importantly is my Family, who have put up with me leaving the house at 5 in the morning and not coming home for 2 hours or wanting to just one more class, though I must say I am not near as bad about the TKD as my husband is, NOW that guy is truly TKD obsessed.

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