15 years, He ruined a 15 year

streak THE BUM BTW his new name is TOAST.

I am talking about my husband and the fact that in 15 years of marriage with have never left behind a child. Not ones we were watching or our own. Well he changed that tonight. He left the 4 year old at TaeKwanDo. See I took the kids and waited for him to get there then gave him a kiss and told him I was coming home to make dinner and left. an hour later I get a call from the gym and Jannette (one of the people) tells me that my 4 year old is with her and that TOAST has left her there. Just as she finishes TOAST drives up. I look at him and say did you forget someone. Oh yeah so he backs out of the the drive again and goes to get her. Poor thing her whole family gone. and Dang It he Ruined a great running streak. so from this time forth Dh is know as TOAST.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Oops! He's intitled to a mistake every once in awhile, right? lol! Hang in there.