a question or 2 for ya

SO what does commitment meant to you? I was reading in the scriptures this morning and now that is the question that just will not leave my brain. Thinking about it , I am committed to obey the law but is that the same as being committed to paying tithing or saying your prayers. See for me the latter is more important. I think because if I am obeying Gods law then of course I will be obeying the earths laws.

WHat about other things though like a clean house or disciplining your kids? These are the ones I suck at. I can write down a plan of action and tell my self to follow it and do well for a week or 2 but the commitment to that is just not there. With the kids, not sure if it is the whole I just don't want to hear them cry at me when they have harsh consequences or what but I tend to go easy on my kids as far as bad consequences go, and then if I do I don't always follow through with the whole thing. Like if they get grounded for a week usually in 2 or 3 days they will know that I have either forgotten or that it is just easier not to keep it up and they are done being grounded. I know I need to be WAY more committed than that but just can't seem to get there.

SO tell me what do you do to help you stay committed to those things that just seem to bug the heck right out of ya?

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