I got "Anned"

a little background. There is Mental disabled woman in our ward. she is very sweet but only have about the brain ability of I would say an 8 maybe nine year. she can still still for a while but always ends up having to do go and do something. she leads the music for RS and her mother is there as well. She gets very excited and it is very hard fro her to talk The thing is that everyone loves Anne there is no getting around it she is just very sweet and she is so close to HF that it is exciting having her around. One more thing if Anne Knows you, you are getting a hug.

I guess I found the key because I have now been "Anned". Anne's hugs are not your typical quick hug. Nope when the spirit moves her to hug she hangs on till SHE feel like you have been hugged enough. Then she will inevitably tell you about something pretty and that she liked something you did. So anyway yesterday I finished my talk and snuck down to sit with the kids, so my dh could do his talk. After the meeting there was Anne One look and I knew what she wanted. It was my turn to be "Anned" I got my hug and then she started to tell me that I had on a pretty.( she liked my necklace) I told her that her pretty was prettier and that send her away laughing. Through out the day she noticed my family time and again for three hours. It was that is your daughter and that is your husband and that is your son. SOO pretty.

I love Anne and I hope every one has an Anne some where in there lives.

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