Mixed emotions

I am really upset and hurt and yet at the same time I am glad it sold. I spent all day yesterday trying to find a way to pick up some carpet that I had purchased at a moving sale. They wouldn't take a check so I went and got cash from the ATM ( actually loosing the Debit card in the ATM) and came back with the cash. I had them write sold on it and told them as soon as I could find a way to pick it up I would be back for it. Well I had some trouble getting a truck,but and I eventually just ended up using my van with the seats folded this morning. Got there to pick it up and guess what. EVEN though I had someone else write SOLD on both the Carpet and the Pad. they couldn't get a hold of me and sold it again anyway. They SAID they tried calling me but used my old number. Ok I can see that but did they even think too look in the online directory to get a hold of me or leave me a message? NOPE. Who does that. I will tell You who. A woman who's main goal in life is to have things done her way that no matter what they have to be done in that way. So when I didn't come and get it yesterday she decided that I hadn't paid for it and she was going to sell it, because nobody that was there had taken my money. Not even I was sure who I had given the money to I only knew that I got 19 dollars in change because I bought 4 magic tree house books. which cost me one dollar. However I am happy that it sold this will go a long way to helping out this gals ALS.
which is why th mixed emotions. I am frustrated that they didn't really TRY to get a hold of me but at the same time I Know it went somewhere it was needed and will be put to use Either way it helps out the gal it needed to help thanks for letting me vent I just needed to get it off my chest.

On to your regularly scheduled program.

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