Joining the Crowd.

ok so the other blog just wasn't cutting it. SO here I am joining the crowd and posting here instead I Really do hope to make this a more perminant site from here on out.

It has been a crazy day here, though good. Most of my pregnancies have not been the best with me in bed at around 28 weeks till 35 weeks and then a baby shortly there after. A 3 hour glucose test that I barely pass and borderline high blood pressure. NOT THIS TIME. I went to my OB this morning and had a Terrific appointment. Blood pressure Good, 1 Hour glucose PASSED, No contractions baby is moving fine, heart beat is strong and I am still on my feet.

I called my mother to tell her and she actually asked me If I was SURE I was pregnant. You see the only other time that this has ever happened was with my first and that was almost 7 kids ago. Oh BTW the heartburn on this one is the same too. SO there we have it a very unusual PG for me and I am more than happy to take it.

Now I only need 2 things. Ok maybe 3 depending, I need these little baby feet not to kick me in the bladder, I need to know whether those feet belong to a girl or a boy, and if it is a girl I really need to think of a name.

Want to help? I want Gaelic names Middle name starting with an "A" and it has to sound good with my last name. Oh if it is a boy I have Brycen Adam. (note middle name need not be gaelic as long as it sounds good)

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