letter to my husband.

To my best friend

I wanted you to know how much I care about you.

You are a man of spirit and strength, pride and humility. You work hard for our family, I have failed to support you in some ways and for that I am sorry. I have never doubted that we were to be together, and I love you with every fiber for making sure it was for eternity. I cannot see myself, a princess of Heavenly Father with any other prince. I don't have a wandering eye because there is nothing better out there. When I dream it is your caring eyes I ALWAYS see. Even physically you are the cats meow.

I still see the day we met. when you walked in those doors something stirred, wasn't afraid of you. I wasn't on guard and I didn't put on airs, it was easy to be with you.. You pulled me off a road that at the time I didn't even know was bad for me. You helped me see that My father in heaven truly loves me and I was and I am worthy of being in his presence. You have fought for and with me when no one else would.

You have shown me things I never thought I would see or do. you have given the best things in life to me. You can make me laugh, cry, angry, irritated, and most of all happy. Now (in may) you have create 7 of the most beautiful,wonderful spirits that in my mind will ever walk the planet.

Thank you for letting me make mistakes. Thank you for still loving me wven when you have hated what I had done. I love you with all my heart, no matter what my fly off at the mouth might say.

I love you now and for eternity.

Love Maggie, Margaret, and Mar'Lee.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

How sweet! Thanks for sharing.