Well that explains one of them

My oldest dd mystery attitude has partially been explained. She is no longer my little girl. This morning sore throat and all she became a big girl. Not sure that I am ready for this all though she s older than I was when I started so I guess I should relax a bit. she said she would have screamed if she could have but she is horse so there for no screams. I don't remember how I reacted I am sure it wasn't too much different.

My husband acts like he is ready to move out. He usually teases me about wearing a diaper and he won't even acknowledge her today.

Oh and I am pretty sure the whole world is picking one me thing that my son is doing has a lot to do with puberty too. the good news is that there is no bleeding involved for him.


{krista} said...

Oh, how I'm dreading this day!!! Good luck!

~M~ said...

Could you imagine if boys had to bleed? They'd be curled up in bed moaning & positively DYING for the entire week.

God sure knew what he was doing when he made Women have a menstrual cycle. As much as I HATE having it, it's the only way to guarantee the population of the earth would grow. If it was left to men, it would have stopped at Adam!

I'm right there with you in dealing with hormonal pre-teen girls & boys... and ready to hide my head under a pillow & not come out. The pre-teen hormones are outta control!

Lisa said...

Oh my. With kids it seems like if it's not one thing it's another.
At least she should be slowly getting out of her funk. For 3 weeks at least ;)